Check out this Lowden F50 build with Madagascar Rosewood and Adirondack Red Spruce. A heavenly tonewood combination. And some more when crafted by George Lowden and his team.
As any 50 series the wood choice is superb, the build quality top notch and the playability just great! This one has a bonus: neat sapwood in the back. Realy cool. Say no more and get yours while you can. Life is too short 🙂
Price includes:
- Lowden Limited lifetime warranty
- Free shipping within the Netherland and to Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany.
- We ship worldwide. Call or mail for costs.
- 21% VAT included. VAT can be deducted for buyers from outside the Eurozone.
- 14 day Return policy applies:
- Pickup of your guitar for repair, consignment or trade can be arranged.
- All guitars come with a new set of strings and a setup to your liking.